Bayeux Tapestry
Virtual library


Consulting the collections

The entire online collection is accessible by clicking Document collections, under Museum Collections, which displays the records for all the documents kept in the Bayeux Tapestry Museum. The Gallica Collections offers a set of documentary items from the Gallica database administered by the BnF.

They are presented in list form by default, or, by clicking Short records, in other browsing  formats (as a timeline or thumbnails, for example). Additional display tools allow you to choose the number of records displayed per page (Results per page) or sort them by title, date, or online publication date (Sort by). On the righthand side of the screen, search tools are also available: list of categories, author, date of publication, subject, etc.

Viewing a document

On clicking a thumbnail or the title of the document, its detailed record is displayed, providing a set of information explaining its production context, content or origin. Buttons displayed below the document thumbnail allow you to print the record, send it by email or share it on social media.

Clicking the document thumbnail opens the viewer directly on your browser. This window makes it possible to consult the document in its entirety, using the < and > arrows on the bottom right, (with the number of the view being consulted and the total number of views) or the < and > arrows on either side of the image, which appear when you pass the cursor over them.

At the bottom of the window, tools assist the viewing process:


Display the views in thumbnail form

Display the document in single-page format

Display the document record without leaving the viewer

Print or download (the page currently displayed on the screen or the entire document)

Share the current page of the document via its permalink, or part of the page, or via an exportable mini viewer for integration into an html page

Search for a word or an expression in the text of the document; Display the document in text mode next to the consulted page

Display the current page in negative / positive mode; Adjust the page contrast

Turn the image by the following degrees: 0°, 90°, 180°, -90°

Zoom tools: Hide / show the overall view; Expand the page to full-screen size  

Zoom in and out with the - and + buttons

The viewer also allows you to move to the next/previous document in the list of results without leaving the interface, using two arrows at the top right. The associated cross allows you to return to the record.

Themed access

Discovering the collection is made easier by the creation of preregistered search filters, suggested on the Themed access page, making it possible to discover certain significant documents per period or subject.

Focus on…

On the Focus on… page, articles and virtual exhibitions are suggested. They shed light on certain documents, whose consultation is accompanied by a text given by members of the museum’s scientific team. The latest findings from the museum or research linked to the study of the Bayeux Tapestry are also presented. These themed pages are regularly enriched with new “focuses”.


The simple search tool is accessible from the website’s banner. It makes it possible to search all the record fields with the possibility of using Boolean operators (“and”, “or”, “except”), truncation using an asterisk (e.g.: “embroid*” for “embroider”, “embroidery”, “embroiderer”), an exact expression with quotation marks. To launch the search, press the Enter key on your keyboard or the magnifying glass to the right of the search bar.

If you click +, the advanced search page appears. It is used to narrow the search per specific field for the records.

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