Bayeux Tapestry
Virtual library

Conditions of use and contact

Unless otherwise specified in the “Rights” field of the record, the documents that can be consulted in the Bayeux Tapestry virtual library are reproductions of works in the public domain.

The non-commercial reuse of these documents is free and open, in compliance with the legislation and the moral rights of their author, in particular compliance with the following credits, affixed near the reproduction of the document: [Name of the author as given in the “Author” field of the document’s record], [Classification number as given in the “Classification number” field of the document’s record], Document collections of the Bayeux Tapestry Museum - Bayeux Museum.


For example: “C. Stothard, FT 746.44 STO, Document collections of the Bayeux Tapestry Museum - Bayeux Museum”.

To create a permalink to a document in the Bayeux Tapestry virtual library, use the URL displayed in the detailed record, in the Permalink field.

For any other use, reuse of protected documents (information available in the “Rights” field of the record) or request for high-definition files, please contact the museum [mailto:].

As a database, the Bayeux Tapestry digital library is protected by articles L341-1 and following of the Intellectual Property Code and the provisions of the act of 1 July 1998 transposing into the French Intellectual Property Code the European Directive of 11 March 1996 concerning the legal protection of databases. This database is also protected under copyright in that it represents an intellectual work in accordance with articles L.112-1 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.

The City of Bayeux – the administrator of this digital library – reserves the right to remove access to it without notice.



Any questions regarding the Bayeux Tapestry digital library or reuse requests may be sent to the following address:


Name (required)

Email (required)



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